OH MY!!!!!! :)
I am soooooo excited and I know you guys hear that a lot around here but this truly blew me away with humility.
Last week I was honoured to be awarded 3, yep, you read that right, 3 different blog awards from fellow bloggers :)
This means so much to me because these came from people that I have enjoyed greatly over the past months and feel a wonderful friendship thru our blogs.
Not only do I get to enjoy these but I get to pass them along to others :)

The First one came from Teddy Started it, if you haven’t been over to visit you should, absolutely has me giggling to myself all the time reading her blog.
As a recipient I have to share 7 things about me that you might not already know, uh, oh.
So, here goes;
1). I do not like surprises. No, not at all! My poor Hubby and children know not to throw surprise parties, buy surprise gifts or have someone jump out of a cake (well, you get my drift)
2). I have lived in 7 Big Cities (and a few smaller ones) in 3 different countries.
3). As a young woman I vowed (To myself and anyone who would listen) I would never live anywhere other than London, England, note above, lived a few other places, thankfully no one was really listening but just be careful what you vow.
4). I am truly grateful every morning to be alive and kicking :)
5). I have wanted to own an Hotel forever! Perhaps, so I could stay in a place that I felt truly comfy in and I'd know the service would be how I wanted it.
6). I believe in Karma.
7). I have an obsession when it comes to hanging artwork. It has to be straight! Even when I go to other people’s homes, the Doc’s office, Hotels, even stores, I will straighten the artwork. (Scary?!?! :)
Now, as a recipient, I need to honour 7 other bloggers, (wow, that is tough, there are so many wonderful one’s out there :)
1). A Beader’s Blog – If you haven’t met Anna yet, you don’t know what you are missing. She is a great writer and a joyful blogger with amazing insight and the world’s best commenter.
2). Dutch Touch Beads – Jenni, is a busy, busy lady but always has a min. to pop over and comment on my blog. She is a wonderful caring person and a great jewelry maker.
3). Cabin + Cub – Valerie is another busy person but always has time for others, is so positive, enlightening and funny.
4). Acrylic and Steel – Erica, is a young vibrant powerhouse. I think she could take over the world; she has so much talent in so many areas and is a loving Mom too :)
5). So Many Memories – Annette writes from the heart, she has so many interesting things to share and I love reading her blog everyday :)
6). Alicia Istanbul’s Designs – Alicia is a very talented jewelry maker and a busy Mom and super runner – check out her blog this week she has one of the best giveaways EVER :)
7). MAB’s Notes on Jewelry – Laura, wow, this girl is so creative in her jewelry making and blogs like no other, funny, always entertaining and often thought provoking.
Here are the Rules to Pay it Forward (If you want to participate):
1. Copy/paste the Kreativ Blogger Award picture onto your blog
2. Thank the person who awarded it to you and post a link to her/his blog
3. Write 7 things about yourself we might not know
4. Choose 7 other bloggers to award
5. Link to them
6. Notify your 7 bloggers of their awards

This next award came from my buddy Annette at
so many memories, thank you so very much, go check out her blog and see the wonder :)
With this award I'm to list 10 things that make me happy and try to do at least one today.
Tag 10 bloggers that brighten my day and they are to link back to my blog and make their own 'Makes Me Happy' list.
Here is my “Happy” List :)
1). Of course my Family. :)
2). Good Food and Wine (I think most of you know that one already).
3). Music from Gilbert and Sullivan to Motown to Snow Patrol.
4). Good Books – Jane Austin, Dickens………
5). My Flower Garden.
6). Harleys and Fast cars (I guess
Poppy was a give away).
7). Love the Ocean, could never Live very far from it.
8). Being Creative.
9). Older Movies esp. Chariots of Fire, The Sound of Music and Gone with the Wind.
10). Tea Parties. (I am a Brit. after all :)
Are you bored of hearing about me yet?!?!?!
Now 10 Bloggers that brighten my day - it goes without saying that everyone listed above does that and more but I thought I would share the love with a few others as well:
The Moss Garden.
Teddy Started it.
31 Everything.
Dirksen dabbles.
All Things Tangled.
The Lost Earring.
French Revelation.
Raspberry Kidz.
Studio M.M.E.
Navigating Crazy Town.
And last but not least I received the Sunshine Award from Created and Felted, Thank you!
The rules for accepting this award are:
Put the logo on your blog or within your post,
Pass the award onto 12 bloggers,
Link the nominees within your post,
Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog,
Link to the person from whom you received this award.
I am Happy to pass this award onto these great bloggers!
Aly Gatr’s Everywhere.
Andrea Creates.
From My Female Perspective.
ArtSnark’s Artifacts.
Artsy Fartsy Me.
Christie Cottage.
Crazyg Photography.
Going Green in 2010.
Official Jewelry by Tara.
The Little Fox.
The Wine Key.
Trapped in the 80’s Moms.
I really hope you guys enjoy checking out each others’ blogs. I certainly do love reading them all.
But, I need a cup of Tea now :)
Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.