Monday, August 24, 2009

My Son is a College Freshman.

My Son is now officially a college Freshman, with the first day of classes behind him and excitedly awaiting the first football game of the season.

My Hubby and I took our Son to his chosen college in Ohio last week to get him settled. I thought it would be easier with the last child to leave and go off to college but with each one it has been a bittersweet experience. I am excited that they are able to get into the colleges of their choice but I hate that they happen to be so far from home (Oregon). I am glad they are independent enough to be able to deal with the challenges of being so far away especially long distance flying but I miss them. Believe it our not we are a very close family, yet our children are scattered now in Ohio, California and England. I guess I will just have to build up my frequent flyer miles by visiting more often :)

Although I am a Brit I have lived in every State and one Province on the West coast of North America and consider myself a West coast girl even though my heart is still in London. I have only had the opportunity to travel to one other State (Arizona) until now. I did not quite know what to expect and boy I was pleasantly surprised. The people in Ohio are so friendly which really helped me feel comfortable getting on the plane to return to Oregon leaving my son at college in their capable hands.

So, I thank them and wish my Son the best for his college Freshman year.

Happy Painting/Creating! :) T.


Almost Precious said...

It's always hard to see our "babies" leave home and test out their own wings, but it is all a part of growing up and becoming a responsible adult. Yes he will undoubtedly suffer the pangs of homesickness. You may even get a call about some minor emergency which, in reality, was only to cloak the fact that he wanted to hear your voice and learn what mom and dad were doing. :)

cabin + cub said...

Oh what an exciting time. I remember my first day of University... it was so nerve wracking! Good luck to him at school! ;)

Lola said...

Congrats on his acceptance and new life in college. I'm a career student myself...but have many years before I have to say bye to my baby girl (not looking forward to her growing up). All the best to him and thank you for visiting my blog.